abaoru (1928)
brazilian artist tarsila do amaral, like mexican great frida kahlo was a women before her time and a leading figure in the brazilian modernist movement. considered one of the primer brazilian artists of the 20th century, her art was come to be considered a representation of her nation's national character. plus its just awesome.
the brooklyn museum, home to ghanaian astist el anatsui's frist solo us exhibition, describes his pieces as "monumental",
which would certainly be an apt word for their painstaking construction. made of wood, metal and found objects, they're the love child of an african sculpture and tapestry. my wall wants one.
Pardon My Dust from
SnowGlobe Studios on
pardon my dust, a video by adriel de la torre, is a wonderful introduction to the "dynamic illustration" of peter han. i'm dynamically adoring his short lived chalkboard creations.
communism might not be so sweet, but those totalitarians knew how to make a monument. brutalist? severe? maybe, but i'm kind of liking these in the former yugoslavia. i stumbled across them in the daily mail of all places. speaking of liking stuff, i'm also liking that i'm posting again after over a year. so for the two people that might see this, go get your hammer and sickle.